Ganondorf's Castle
Go ahead and climb the stairs on the left. Cross the bridge that Rauru and the five other sages are creating, and get in the castle.
Ganon's Tower
Get down in the hall, walk between the Beamos and open the door. Turn right and go to the door with the purple medallion.
Shadow Room
Look left and shoot the Longshot at the chest. Put on the Hover Boots, then load a Fire Arrow and aim at the torch in front of the chest. Quickly get on the platforms, avoid the Like Like and go to the next platform (if you can't get there in time, light the torch again). Then, use the Lens of Truth and take the right path. From there, jump below on the platform with a switch, step on it and fire the Longshot at the big chest that just appeared on the previous platform. Take the Golden Gauntlets from the chest, then follow the other path. Smash down the switch with your Megaton Hammer to unlock the following door, go back to the platform and go back on the right path until you reach the door. Open this door and shoot a Light Arrow at the energy ball to free Impa, who breaks the shadow barrier.
Get out of Ganon's Tower, cross the bridge and go left. Walk past the rocks and with the Golden Gauntlets, lift the gigantic pillar of time. Get in the last Great Fairy's Fountain to receive the Enhanced Defense, which reduces the damage you will take by half. Get back to the castle.
Now you can visit any other rooms in whatever order you want. For example, go right and open the door with a green medallion above.
Forest Room
First get rid of the Wolfos and use Din's Fire to light the four torches. Then quickly put the torch above the door on fire by shooting a Fire Arrow (or a regular arrow through one of the torches below). Open the door, put on your Hover Boots and turn left. When the fan turns on, go towards the silver rupee, then turn right and fall on the platform a little bit further. Get rid of the Beamos using a bomb, then get on the platform with a switch and step on it. Look behind you, using the Longshot on the target to collect another rupee, then get on the middle platform where the Beamos was. Go get the rupee on the platform in front of you, then come back, go to the platform under the next door, climb up and look right. When the fan stops, go get the last rupee which will unlock the door and quickly come back to it. Open the door and shoot a Light Arrow at the energy ball to free Saria who breaks the Forest Barrier.
Go right and open the door with a blue medallion above.
Water Room
Get rid of the two Frezzards near the chests, then take some blue flame in a bottle. Melt the ice barrier, fill up your bottle again and open the next door. Push the furthest block to the right, then push it towards the entrance door, into the hole. Then, push the other block towards the filled up hole, then towards the door at the back and towards the ice wall. Climb on the block, melt the wall and pound down the switch with the Megaton Hammer to unlock the next door. Open this door and shoot a Light Arrow at the energy ball to free Ruto who breaks the Water Barrier.
Go right and open the door with a red medallion above.
Fire Room
Wear your Goron Tunic and your Hover Boots, then go ahead and collect the rupee on the right. Go back to the middle path, take the rupee on the platform with rotating flames on the other side and walk back to the middle path. Then go on the higher platform with the pillar of time and lift this pillar. Take the rupee, turn around and go to the platform with the Fire Slug. Get the rupee, then jump on the pillar of time and take the last rupee, which unlocks the next door. Go back on the pillar, then on the middle platform and aim at the target next to the next door. Open this door and shoot a Light Arrow at the energy ball to free Darunia who breaks the Fire Barrier.
Still going to the right, lift the pillar and open the door with a yellow medallion above.
Light Room
Use your Lens of Truth and destroy the Skulltula and the four bats. Take the Small Key in the uncovered chest (most of the other chests are trapped) and unlock the door. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol, pick up the Small Key from the fallen chest and open the next door. Collect the five silver rupees: Two are in hollows along the outside wall, two of them are in the middle of the room and the last one is hanging under a target. Then open the unlocked door. Here, quickly run straight ahead (to avoid the Wallmaster), go through the wall and shoot a Light Arrow at the energy ball to free Rauru who breaks the Light Barrier.
Keep going right and open the door with an orange medallion above.
Spirit Room
Destroy the Beamos with Bombchus or bombs (which was hiding a fairy), then pick up all the rupees by moving the statues the way you want. Open the door, get rid of the Fire Slugs and hit the diamond with your sword so a chest containing Bombchus appears. Then, stand right in front of the diamond in the back of the room and launch a Bombchu, which will climb on the wire fence, go through the hole and go down! Cross the door, go on, then shoot a Fire Arrow at the middle of the ceiling. Be careful of the Wallmaster that can fall from the ceiling and catch you, and use your Mirror Shield to reflect the light towards the sun to the right of the passage you're coming from. Open the door and shoot a Light Arrow at the energy ball to free Nabooru who breaks the Spirit Barrier.
Now the ray protecting the centre of the tower disappears. Leave the castle, go to the Great Fairy's Fountain to replenish your hearts and magic, buy a blue potion at Kakariko Village's second medicine shop or a green potion (to have some magic in store), fill your other bottles with fairies, buy some arrows to have at least 30, then get back to Ganon's Castle.
Take note of a secret room inside the castle, at the bottom of the central tower, between the Forest Room and the Fire Room. Use the Lens of Truth to find a path leading to this secret room, where Deku Scrubs sell ammunition and red and green potions, as well as eight small fairies ready to be caught in bottles!