Breath of the Wild tips and tricks
Gerudo Shrines
Index of the Tips and Tricks • Complete Walkthrough
Dako Tah - Electric Path
Location: Gerudo Desert, at the Great Cliffs
Required: -. Linked to the "The Eye of the Sandstorm" quest
Go ahead, go right and shoot an arrow at the Guardian. Go ahead, notice the light bulb on your left, then climb on the moving platform. While standing on the platform, use Magnesis on the electrical source, then make it slide along the cable to be able to go back to the other side. Now lift the electrical cube, climb the slope and stand near the bulb to activate another platform. Halfway up, jump to the chest which contains a Moonlight Scimitar, then go back onto the platform, and go ahead into another room. Get rid of the two Guardians, pick up their materials, then open the chest for an Ancient Core. Use Magnesis on the magnetic block and push it as much as you can, then go get the electrical cube, go ahead, climb the slope on the left, go on the lift, then get off and place the cube on the pedestal, which will send electricity through the chains and activate another platform. Wait for this platform to be right on your left, then climb on it, and when it stops for a bit, use Magnesis to push the magnetic block as far as you can, then you end up in front of the monk's altar. To open the chest nearby, stay on the platform, use Magnesis again and quickly move the cube to the left, then when you're close to the chest, jump and open it for a Radiant Shield. Then, wait for the platform to come back, go down in front of the altar, then receive another Spirit Orb.
Daqo Chisay - The Whole Picture
Location: Gerudo Desert, near Gerudo Town
Required: -. See the walkthrough
Dila Maag - Dila Maag's Blessing
Location: Gerudo Desert, in the East Barrens, west of Mount Granajh, in South Lomei Labyrinth
Required: -. Linked to the "The Desert Labyrinth" quest.
In front of the shrine, go ahead and find a Barbarian Armor in the chest, then simply receive another Spirit Orb.
Hawa Koth - The Current Solution
Location: Gerudo Desert, all the way to the southwest of the desert, next to the Great Fairy Fountain
Required: -.
Notice the gears linked to the light bulb, then place the two magnetic blocks on the two small pillars to light the bulb, which lifts the bars. Go ahead, look into the water on the right and use Magnesis to take the chest out of it and pick up an Ancient Core inside. Then, get close to the boulder linked to a chain and place it (without getting zapped) near the bulb, which activates a lift. Get on it then get rid of the three Guardians. Use Magnesis on the electric ball, go between the three bulbs, then place the ball on an elevated pedestal on the right, which opens a path. Go ahead, pick up the Gold Rupee from the chest, then take the ball again and place it on another pedestal further to the left. Go right into a big room and step on the switch, which moves bulbs by tilting the plate on which they are. Notice the magnetic blocks on the left, then move these blocks to the right to block the right bulb. Next, step on the switch, select Stasis, then get off and freeze the stone block in front of the middle bulb to stop it when it's aligned with the other two, which lifts the bars behind you. Open the chest for a Sapphire, then grab the gear, bring it into the previous room and place it between the two other gears to open the door. Receive another Spirit Orb from Hawa Koth.
Jee Noh - On the move
Location: Gerudo Canyon, in the centre of this area
Required: -.
Go ahead and choose Stasis. Stand in front of the container, then freeze the orb when it goes in front of you. Shoot an arrow at it, then it should fall into the container. In the next room, do the same, while getting rid of or avoiding the two Guardians. In the third room, grab the orb on the right, go ahead on the treadmill and go beyond the first laser when a block goes by in front of it. Stop to the left, put down the orb, then use Magnesis to grab the chest on the other side, draw it to you and pick up the Opal inside. Use Stasis on the following "laser blower", then quickly, lift the orb, go ahead, then go beyond the third laser when another block goes by it. Place the ball into the container, then go towards the monk.
Joloo Nah - Joloo Nah's Apparatus
Location: Gerudo Highlands, northeast of Koukot Plateau
Required: Fire Arrows. Linked to the "Test of Will" quest
Go forward, look at the terminal, then rotate the mechanism in such a way that all the light bulbs are lit. Go into the next room and look at the terminal. Rotate the mechanism so it blows towards the southwest, then climb the slope on the left and use the wind to reach the chest containing a Golden Claymore. Go back near the terminal, use Magnesis to grab the cube and place it on the switch on the right, which raises one of the windmills. Go back to the terminal again and if the three windmills are not on the move, rotate the mechanism so they do. Climb the slope on the left, glide to the other switch and stay on it so all the windmills are activated at the same time. The bars are lifted but then fall back down. So use Stasis to freeze the switch and run to the bars.
In the next room, climb the slope, shoot a Fire Arrow at the planks higher which are holding a chest, then pick up a Gerudo Spear inside. Place the chest on the switch, which will lower one of the pillars, then go back to the slope and look at the terminal. Rotate the mechanism to put five torches on fire, then shoot a Fire Arrow at the last one, which lowers the next bars. Go to the monk and receive another Spirit Orb.
Kay Noh - Power of Electricity
Location: Gerudo Canyon, next to the Gerudo Canyon Stable
Required: -. See the walkthrough
[DLC] Keive Tala Shrine – Big or Small
Location: In Gerudo Desert, in the East Barrens area
Required: -. See the walkthrough
[DLC] Takama Shiri Shrine – Dual Purpose
Location: In Gerudo Desert, to the west of Gerudo Town
Required: -. See the walkthrough
Keeha Yoog - Keeha Yoog's Blessing
Location: Gerudo Highlands, northeast of the Gerudo Summit
Required: A Shock Arrow. Linked to the "Cliffside Etchings" quest
Go forward and open the chest containing a Diamond, then simply receive another Spirit Orb.
Kema Kosassa - A Major Test of Strength
Location: Gerudo Highlands, in the centre of the Risoka Snowfield
Required: -.
Go forward and get ready to fight a tough Guardian. Perform some jump attacks, avoid its attacks, hit it with Ancient Weapons if you can and shoot some Shock Arrows. Once it's defeated, pick up its Guardian Spear++, its Ancient Battle Axe++, its Guardian Shield++ as well as its Ancient materials. Keep going, get 100 rupees from the chest, then the monk gives you another Spirit Orb.
Kema Zoos - A Delayed Puzzle
Location: Gerudo Desert, in the West Barrens, north of the West Gerudo Ruins
Required: -.
Go ahead and notice a translucent object on the right, as well as a chest behind some bars on the left. Stand next to one of the two mechanisms throwing a ball and grab it with the Magnesis Rune. Then place it above the chest's cell, next to another translucent thingie, which lifts the bars. Pick up a Moonlight Scimitar from the chest, then grab the ball again and place it on the other side to lift the bars leading to the monk. Go to him to receive another Spirit Orb.
[DLC] Kihiro Moh Shrine – Inside the Box
Location: Gerudo Highlands, in the surroundings of the Yiga Clan Hideout
Required: -. See the walkthrough
Korsh O'hu - Korsh O'hu's Blessing
Location: Gerudo Desert, in the East Gerudo Ruins
Required: -. Linked to the "The Seven Heroines" quest
Go ahead and open the chest containing a Flamespear, then simply receive another Spirit Orb.
Kuh Takkar - Melting Ice Hazard
Location: Gerudo Highlands, in Laparoh Mesa, to the west on lower grounds
Required: Fire Arrows
The shrine is hidden under a huge ice block that you have to thaw thanks to 5-6 Fire Arrows.
If you own the twice-improved Flamebreaker Armor set, put it on. Make a few steps towards an ice cube to understand that you have to carry it while avoiding the many flames in the room. Start by climbing the steps to the right, go through the vertical flames, then avoid the rotating flames. Place the cube near the horizontal flames, freeze it, then hit it twice to make it slide under these flames. Go ahead, get it back, then place it in front of the flames behind the bars. Again, freeze it and hit it twice to make it go over the lava. Then, jump on the magnetic block, and on the other side, then grab it and place it in front of the horizontal flames to stop them. Grab the ice cube back, go past the magnetic block and place the cube in the corner. There is a chest behind the vertical flames behind you. Grab the magnetic block, place it on the flames the most to your right, glide to the block and jump right behind it to find a Frostblade inside the chest, then jump below and go back to the ice cube thanks to the ladder. Get it back, place it in front of the vertical flames, freeze it, then hit it twice so it harmlessly goes through them! Then, grab the block and place it above you to go through these flames. (If you're wearing the improved Flamebreaker Armor, you can go through without any worries). Lift the cube and climb the slope to the monk who will lift the bars. Get close to get another Spirit Orb.
Misae Suma - Misae Suma's Blessing
Location: Gerudo Desert, in the Eastern Barrens
Required: -. Linked to the "The Perfect Drink" quest
Go ahead and open the chest containing a Diamond, then simply receive another Spirit Orb.
Raqa Zunzo - Raqa Zunzo's Blessing
Location: Gerudo Desert, southeast of Gerudo Town
Required: -. Linked to the "The Undefeated Champ" quest
Go forward, take the Radiant Shield from the chest, then receive another Spirit Orb.
Sasa Kai - A Modest Test of Strenght
Location: Gerudo Highlands, at Birida Lookout
Required: -. Linked to the "Sign of the Shadow" quest
Go forward and get ready to fight a Guardian. Perform some jump attacks, avoid its attacks and hit it with the sword or shoot some Shock Arrows. Once it's defeated, pick up its Guardian Sword +, its Guardian Spear +, as well as its Ancient materials. Keep going, get a Frostblade from the chest, then receive another Spirit Orb.
Sho Dantu - Two Bombs
Location: Gerudo Highlands, northwest of the Gerudo Tower
To make this shrine appear, start by looking for its pedestal northwest and below a high rock. Read the stele next to it saying that: "If you seek power untold, offer a shining blue stone." So, place a Luminous Stone on the pedestal and the shrine will emerge from the ground. (If you don't have one, blow up an ore deposit close by.)
Required: -.
Go left, place a bomb (round or square) near the crates and go forward. Go right, take the 100 rupees from the chest, then step on the lift and glide onto on the cage when you're thrown into the air. Place a bomb above the switch, go down and blow it up. The door on the right from the entrance opens. Go into this room, place a bomb near the switch behind the cage, then step on the lift, make the bomb explode and glide onto the cage when you're thrown into the air. Again, place a bomb above the switch, go down, then blow it up. Then door in front of the entrance opens. Go there, place a round and a square bomb in one of the mechanisms, then stand on one of the lifts next to the door and look at the round bomb take off. With the square bomb selected in your Runes, blow it up when the round bomb is into one of the mechanisms, which raises the lifts. Stand in front of the bars, then make the other bomb explode (change the selection) when it goes over the switch to lift the bars. Just go to the monk to receive another Spirit Orb.
Suma Sahma - Suma Sahma's Blessing
Location: Gerudo Highlands, in the East Barrens, at Mount Granajh
Required: -. Linked to the "Secret of the Snowy Peaks" quest
Go forward and open the chest containing a Moonlight Scimitar. Then simply receive another Spirit Orb.
Tho Kayu - Tho Kayu's Blessing
Location: Gerudo Desert, in the West Barrens, at Toruma Dunes
Required: Fire Arrows or Fire Rod. Put the four torches next to the Molduga on fire so the shrine appears
Go forward and open the chest containing a Golden Bow. Then simply receive another Spirit Orb.