Ocarina of Time tips and tricks


Index of Tips and Tricks  •  Complete Walkthrough

Young Link

Deku sticks

  1. Dekus give you more sticksIn the Lost Woods, go left twice and to the end of the room. Send the Business Scrub's projectiles back to him and pay 40 rupees to be able to carry 20 Deku sticks.
  2. In the Lost Woods, go to the Forest Stage (right, left, right and left twice). Jump into the hidden hole near the butterflies and wear the Skull Mask. Talk to the Deku that stays still to the right of the map to be able to carry 30 sticks.

Note: You can use the Skull Mask and pay 40 rupees, but you will have the upgrade of 20 sticks before the 30 one.


  1. In the Lost Woods, go right and look at the gray thing hanging from the tree. Use your Slingshot to hit it three times (100 points) and win a Seed bag that can contain 40 seeds.
  2. At Hyrule Market, at the Skill Game, hit all the targets to win a Seed bag that can contain 50 seeds.

Note: You can win at the market first and go to the Lost Woods next, but you'll get the 40 seeds upgrade before the 50 one.

Deku nuts

  1. 40 nuts just for you!In the Lost Woods, go right, left, right, left, straight on and finally left. Blow up the rock, jump, beat the Business Scrub and buy a bigger nut bag (30 nuts max) from him for 40 rupees.
  2. In the Lost Woods, go to the Forest Stage (right, left, right and left twice). Jump into the hidden hole near the butterflies and wear the Mask of Thruth. The Dekus will find you ugly, but will give you a Deku nut bag that can contain up to 40 nuts. However, they can act differently, if they do try again. ***

Note: You can win with the Mask of Thruth and then by paying, but you'll get the 30 nuts upgrade before the 40 one.

*** WARNING! To obtain this upgrade, you need to have been Adult Link, before playing the Song of Time in the Temple of Time!


  1. In Goron City, stop the rolling Goron by throwing a bomb at him while he's in the tunnel. He will give you a Bomb bag that can contain 30 bombs!
  2. At Hyrule Market, one of the prizes of the Bowling Game is a bomb bag that can contains 40 bombs!


The Adult's Wallet and the Giant's Wallet are both prizes of the House of Skulltula.

Adult Link

Shooting galleryArrows

  1. In Kakariko Village, at the Shooting Gallery, win the game to receive a bigger quiver that can contain 40 arrows.
  2. To win another quiver (capacity of 50 arrows), you need to get 1500 points at the Horseback Archery Range at the Gerudo Fortress.


Read the chapter about "Powers of the Great Fairies" to learn how to get magic and a bigger magic container.