Lanayru Mining Facility
Go ahead and get rid of the small creatures (Aracha). Then go right, dash north, then run again to grab the lever and lower it, which makes the bars to the southeast disappear. Go there, open the chest to get 20 rupees, then go to the left side of the room. Launch the Beetle to the bomb and drop it into the statue's bowl northwest to make it fall. Rush towards this statue and lower the lever, which will unlock the door to the north. Open it.
Go to the back of the room, then left, push a crate against the wall in the middle, then climb on it and get higher. Open the door.
After taking a look at your surroundings and taking note of a Bird Statue on the left, send the Beetle to the bomb and drop it over the crates to the right to destroy them. Then, go right and dash to reach the platform under the ladder. Climb the ladder, get rid of the Keeses, then open the chest to find a Small Key! Go back down and get back to the previous room. Go left towards the three-headed monster, attack it with your sword (or a bomb with some luck), pick up the red rupee, unlock the door and get in.
Go left, attack the flying fish (Froak) by shooting a Deku nut at it when it's not showing out its spikes, then get on the bridge to the right, get rid of the Arachas and climb the white vines. Notice the crate right above the ladder to the right and the bomb on the statue. Launch the Beetle to the bomb and drop it on the wooden crate, then climb the ladder and step on the switch to reveal a Timeshift Stone higher! Still staying on this switch, send your Beetle again to the stone to activate it and change the whole room into a factory!
Go down the ladder, go straight ahead while avoiding or attacking the two Beamos (You have to swing your sword horizontally to slice them in two, then do a thrust blow to get rid of the aiming eye), then go down the ladder. Stand on the left edge of the path, then dash straight ahead to reach the next ladder without getting shocked! Climb to the top, then grab and lower the lever, which makes the bars on the other side of the room disappear. Come back down, cross the treadmill, then while staying mostly on the left side, cross on the treadmill while picking up the stamina berries and avoiding the metal obstacles! To get a red rupee, get off to the left of the red treadmill, climb the ladder, open the chest to the right and go back. Otherwise, directly get off to the right of the treadmill and climb both stairs to the right. Then run on the second treadmill, get off to the right and get rid of the huge Beamos with two horizontal strikes and a thrusting blow. Grab and lower the lever which will unlock the door nearby, then calmly get down on the treadmill, get off to the left and open the next door.
Jump to the right, climb the ladder, then jump on the crate left. Get rid of the Froaks with the Slingshot, then jump on the crates north, then west, and climb the ladder. Open the chest to find the Gust Bellows! Get back down and use your Gust Bellows at enemies to make them fall down ^^. Jump on the crate in front of you, then to the right and jump close to the chest in the northwest corner of the room to get a rare treasure. Get back on the platform under the ladder using a small crate, then jump towards the crates west. Push the wooden crate to the back to create a shortcut, then backtrack a little and climb the ladder. Use the Gust Bellows and blow the sand pile for a long time by holding "A" down to free the door, then open it.
Start by pushing the crate to the left, then go down the two following ladders, go ahead and open the door to the left to get back in the second room of the temple. Jump left and use the Gust Bellows to blow the sand piles away and therefore free the crate and discover a switch. Push the crate on the switch to unlock the door to the west. Go ahead, fight the Staldra, pick up 20 rupees and open the door.
Rush to the two platforms in front of you, then towards the two on your left, and again on the two on the left. Blow away the huge sand pile that was covering a Timeshift Stone! Hit it so the whole room gets back to life and now includes moving platforms. Climb on the moving platform next to you and use the Gust Bellows at the red propellers to make it move in fits and start! Get off, go right, then blow on the blue propellers to get the platform close to you. Climb on it, blow on the red propellers until you reach a chest and open it to add a Monster Horn to your collection. Then, get back on the platform and go back to the door nearby. Use your Gust Bellows for a long time on the pinwheel over the door to open it, then go ahead, get rid of the Big Beamos and go down the ladder. You are then attacked by a very aggressive flying robot (a Sentrobe)! Fight it by deflecting its rockets back at it using your Shield Bash attack and by hitting the flying bombs with horizontal and vertical strikes. Use your Gust Bellows at the moving platform's propeller to make it move to the right. Climb on it, make it move towards the wall, then get off to the right and climb the ladder. Get rid of the Beamos, then use your Gust Bellow for a long time on the pinwheel left of the door and open it.
Fight off the two Staldra (and pick up the two red rupees), then blow on all the sand piles at the back of the room. Pull/push the crate until the end of the "path" then climb on it and get higher. To get a common or rare treasure, jump on the crates and use your Gust Bellows on the sand to pick it up. Get close to the bars, use your Gust Bellows on the sand pile, then use the Slingshot to activate the Timeshift Stone. Jump lower and go left to wake up an Armos Statue! Use your Gust Bellows at its propeller so it opens its jaw, then quickly swing your sword at its blue crystal. Then it will bounce away, quickly draw back! Once again use your Gust Bellows at its propeller, then when it's opening its jaw again, get close and use your thrusting blow to hit its secondary blue crystal. The bars having been lowered, climb to the chest and open it to find the Map! Come down and open the door to the left.
Go ahead, blow on the sand pile on the left and step on the switch to unlock the door and create a shortcut. Save using the Bird Statue, then backtrack a little and take a look at your map. Take note of the yellow underground paths, go on this path, turn left and blow on the sand. Get in the small tunnel and go straight ahead after the intersection to reach a small room. Open the chest and you will get a rare treasure! Get out the same way you came in, then still using your map, go north, then west. Use your Gust Bellows on the other sand piles and get in another small tunnel. Crawl until you reach the next room, then carefully go right, then straight ahead, then left. Upon reaching the stairs, blow on the sand southwards to discover a switch and step on it to unlock the door. To get 20 rupees blow on the sand to find a way leading to a small chest in the northwest corner. To get a fairy (if you have an empty bottle), blow on the sand in the northeast corner and break the now uncovered pot. Climb the stairs and open the door.
Blow the sand around the cart to set it free, then hit the Timeshift Stone inside of it with a thrusting blow! Stay next to the cart to reach the centre of the room. If you missed this opportunity, grab and lower the lever to the left to call back the cart. Attack the Sentrobe, then use the Gust Bellows on the pinwheel over the door to open it. Keep following the cart until the end of the tracks, while destroying the Beamos halfway through and by using the cart as a shield to protect yourself from the other Beamos. Again use the Gust Bellows on the pinwheel to open the next door to create a shortcut to the entrance of the dungeon. Go left, blow on the sand around the other cart, then hit the Timeshift Stone and stay by its sides until the end of the tracks. On your way, take a look at the frozen pinwheel on the right. Hit twice the Timeshift Stone to make the cart go the other way, follow it on its left side, then quickly blow on the pinwheel which will unlock the next door, and open it! (while avoiding or destroying the Beamos)
Go ahead on the stopped treadmill on the left while avoiding the steam geysers, make your enemies fall, then climb a little the white vines. Go right as much as you can, then carefully climb to the top. Go right, throw a bomb into the statue's bowl to the right and into the next one to finally jump to the southwest corner. Blow on the sand to reveal another Timeshift Stone. Hit it to bring the room back to life, then go back across on the three fallen statues. Destroy the Big Beamos, then get through the three treadmills and grab and lower the lever so the moving platform will come. Climb on it, go to the other side, then get rid of the Sentrobe like the previous ones.
Next throw a bomb into the bowl of each of the two statues, then look at the drawing that was hidden by the statues... (If you don't have enough bombs, destroy the barrels at the back of the room.) Turn around and use your Gust Bellows to move another moving platform to the right until the end of the track. Get on the first platform, go to the second one and climb on it. Go across the room until you reach the back of it, then push the crate to free another shortcut. Now go to the third moving platform on the other side and break the barrels if you need more bombs. Climb on this platform, go ahead and notice three statues facing the fallen ones. Throw a bomb into each statue's bowl to uncover three pink crystals. Then, hit these crystals in the order shown by the statues in front of them: First the one on your left (one robot head), then the one on your right (two robot heads), and then the one in the middle (three robot heads): The door to the north will now open! Get back on the platform, go north and get in the room where two Armos Statues are awaiting you!
Attack them as you did previously, one after another while avoiding the area of the second one, and destroy the barrels if you need some hearts. Once the bars lowered, go open the chest to get the Ancient Circuit! Another door is now unlocking.
Get back to the big room, push the crate to the right (if you didn't do that before), go down the ladder and go ahead up to the treadmill, while destroying the Big Beamos on your way. Cross the treadmill, get off to the right and open the door!
Climb the ladder to the left, go along the wall while being careful with the Keeses, pick up 20 rupees in the small chest, then pull the metal crate to create a shortcut. Come back next to the last door, climb the stairs in front of you and take a look at the Bird Statue. Then, hit the Timeshift Stone in the cart, quickly get on the moving platform next to you, then go ahead more or less at the same pace as the cart to be protected against the steam geysers and stay within its activation range! Come down at the end of the track, take a look at the door and put the Ancient Circuit in its place...
The boss: Moldarach - Thousand Year Arachnid
To begin with, use your Slingshot to shoot a Deku nut at one of its opened eyes, then while it is stunned, run and hit it with your sword. Repeat these steps several times on each of its eyes. In the second phase, the boss will dive under the sand. Use your Gust Bellows on the sand until the boss is completely uncovered, then when it's opening its unique eye, hit it with a thrusting strike. Quickly get away when it's rushing at you or when it's swinging its tail. Keep on hitting its eye until you defeat it.
The Heart Container appears, then the sand level lowers and vanishes underground. Pick up the Heart Container and open the new door. Launch the Beetle on the Timeshift Stone on the ceiling, then get into the cart, go through the room with the robots waving at you and exit the Mining Facility.
Your friend Zelda is here! she is singing. Then Ghirahim appears and attacks Impa, the woman by Zelda's side. The former fights back but Ghirahim is stronger than her. Zelda will then give you the Goddess's Harp! but you're jumping at your opponent immediately. Tell Impa that you are putting Zelda into her care. She thanks you and advises you to go visit the old woman in the Sealed Temple, then they will vanish together. Ghirahim will then go into his usual routine and disappear as well. Fi says that she can't detect Zelda anymore. Leave this place, talk to the Goron, then take a look at the nearby Bird Statue.