Arbiter's Ground
Walk down the steps and see the sand flowing in the room. Shoot your Clawshot at the red target to the right, then jump on the two blocks to the west. Jump on the east one without waiting, then on the next one. Walk towards the door straight ahead on the shortest path, then walk west behind the iron gate. Get rid of the Stalkins, then shoot your Clawshot at the handle, step back a little and use once more your Clawshot so the handle gets out of the sand. Grab it and pull it to open the door. Go on north.
Go left, fill up your oil bottle if you're out of it, then destroy the planks to the right and go ahead. Pick up the Small Key in the chest, then quickly come back. If Scarabs attack you, perform a rolling attack or a spin attack to get rid of them. Unlock the door.
Use your Lantern to locate the two torches close to the door in front of you, then fight the Stalkins, light both torches and open the door.
Go ahead and four Poes will make the blue lights vanish. Turn into a wolf, use your senses and aim at the remaining ghost using Z. Attack it as soon as it shines and defeat it with an Ending Blow. One of the lights shall reappear and you will get another Poe's Soul. Smell the ghost to learn the Poe Scent. Before following the scent, turn back into your human form, go to the northeast corner of the room and pick up the Map from the chest. Then go to the northwest corner to find a Piece of Heart! Turn back into a wolf and follow the scent to the west. Dig up a handle and pull it to open a trap door.
1st basement
Go down the stairs, open the door, then stand in front of the lever next to the column and push it a quarter turn clockwise. Go north, hit the ReDead and pick up the Small Key in the chest. Turn back into your human form, turn around and look at the ceiling. Shoot the Clawshot at the target to move up, then let go and open the door to the north.
1st floor
Turn back into a wolf, use your senses and attack the Poe to bring back another blue light in the main room and get another Poe's Soul. Exit this room and jump back to the underground room. Now push the lever the other way, then go back to the first floor and open the door to the west. Unlock the next door.
Turn back into a human and go west towards a kind of cage. Grab it and pull it north, then push it west. Climb the stairs and climb on your right. Grab the handle and pull it as much as you can, then quickly drop it, jump left and get under the chandelier before it falls down again. Climb the stairs to the second floor.
2nd floor
Pick up the Compass in the chest in front of you, then push the lever a quarter turn clockwise. Go west (on the map), attack the ReDead, pick up another Small Key in the chest, then unlock the door to the east.
Go through the room while getting rid of the Stalkins and the ReDeads, then turn back to your wolf form, use your senses and dig where the scent is. Pull the handle to move the wall aside, then attack the Poe to bring back another blue light to the main room. Turn back to your human form and open the next door.
Go right, pick up the Small Key in the chest, then turn back into a wolf and use your senses to find some invisible rats. Do some spin attacks to get rid of them, then turn back into your human form and unlock the door to the east.
Jump on the chandelier, then to the other side and open the next door.
1st floor
Take the stairs to the left, jump towards the cage, then push it all the way to the east. Climb on it, pull the handle as much as you can, then drop it. [Wii U version: Run southwards and open the chest holding the Surprised Midna stamp, then come back to the far north and again pull the handle as much as you can.] Walk back a little bit, where the ground is lower. Once the chandelier fell around you, climb on it and jump east. (The two chests in this room both contain 20 rupees.) Open the door to the east.
Break some planks and open the chests to find more bombs. Fight off the Stalfos and when it is shattered, drop a bomb on it to get rid of it once and for all. Open the door to the south.
2nd floor
Walk to the statue, then take out your Lantern in front of the torch the most in front, then light the one to the far right in the back row, which will move a wall aside. Go west and open the door to the west.
Turn into a wolf and use your senses. Attack the last Poe, but it will create three clones. As soon as they stop to turn around you, look for the one that shines and attack it. Do these steps twice to defeat it and collect its soul. Turn back into your human form and open the door to the south. Shoot your Clawshot at the target to the west, let go and get out to the west.
1st floor
Once you're back to the big room, all four blue lights will shine at their initial place and this will open the gate to the north. Go on north. Go west and open the door. Jump all the way to the bottom.
2nd basement
Push the lever twice (one sixth of a turn) counterclockwise to make the platform go up.
Follow the corridor to the east, pick up the Small Key in the chest and come back. Then push the lever three times clockwise to lower the platform. Go south and unlock the door.
Turn into your wolf form and use your senses to get rid of the rats. Get through the room while avoiding spikes to reach the southwest corner and get rid of as much rats in the room as possible. Then, grab the handle, pull it as much as possible, drop it, go quickly around the spikes and go on to the south before the wall goes back in place.
Turn back into your human form, jump left and go ahead on the planks while avoiding the traps as much as you can. If insects attack you, roll around or do a spin attack to get rid of them. Go south and lift the red pot to find Ooccoo, then open the next door.
Mini-boss: Death Sword
Go in the middle of the room and cut one of the ropes. Turn back into a wolf and use your senses. When the Death Sword is ready to hit, attack it and bite it several times. Then go back to your human form and avoid the ghost's energy balls. Shoot an arrow at it, then as soon as it stops to turn around you, dodge its sword and hit it with your sword. When it is invisible again, turn into your wolf form and do this tactic twice more to defeat it. Go north and pick up the Spinner from the chest! Note the tracks around the room, get close to them and use the Spinner to get around the tracks and come back to the south. Get out.
Get close to the track on the left, use the Spinner, then while you're going east, jump right so the item leaves the tracks, goes right and clings to the other track! Go down all the way to the east, get off and open the door.
A little advice: climb on the ledges of this room to look around and especially catch sight of the tracks. (There are bombs and 20 rupees in the two chests on this floor.) From the entrance, use the Spinner on the left track, then move right to cling on the right track, then move left to cling on the left one, move again left to get on the next one, avoid the circular track, then move right to cling on the right track which brings you to the upper floor. Once you reach the paved ground, go towards the chest and open it to find a Piece of Heart, then fight off the Stalfos and bomb it. Then walk to the north wall, look east, then use the Spinner, avoid the spinning spikes trap, then two-three meters further, jump to the right to cling on the right track, then jump to the left to reach the left track that will lift you up. While on the curve, if needed, jump to get even higher.
1st basement
Once you've reached the top, get off the Spinner and get rid of the two Stalfos. Pick up 10 rupees/letter D stamp in the chest, then go east and climb the slope between the two tracks filled with traps. Walk to the north side, use your Spinner and change tracks several times to avoid traps. Open the door to the west.
1st floor
Pick up the Big Key in the chest, then get on the track to get to the next room. Go to the centre towards the hole shaped like the Spinner, use the item on this right spot, then spin several times to activate the mechanism making the walls of the room spin. Go on to the north.
Go left, use the Spinner until the end (4th floor), then break the skulls to find a fairy and put her in your bottle. Go back to the bottom of the room, then climb back using your Spinner, but this time jump just before reaching the top to fall on the middle platform. Use the Spinner in the centre and spin to make a new track appear. Use this new track to reach the Boss door.
Twilit Fossil: Stallord
Get close to the boss and Zant will appear to make a little speech before the fight begins.
While avoiding the boss' flames, use the Spinner on the circular track, and when a trap is about to hit you (or before), jump, press B to speed up and go towards the boss' spine to hurt it and force it to go back into the sand. Try to avoid other enemies that will veer you off, then go back to the track and do this several times. When the boss sinks into the sand, go around the room to find some hearts in the pots, then place the Spinner in the hole and turn it to make a column appear. The second phase begins.
Get on the central track and speed up to climb the column. When the boss is about to breathe fire at you, jump to the outside track, then when it's starting to breathe fire again, jump to the central track and so on until you're close enough to jump towards its head. On the ground, quickly swing your sword at its sword stuck in its skull, then do this technique once more while avoiding traps on the central track. Then do the same while also avoiding traps on the outer track! Once you have defeated the boss, pick up the Heart Container and go out using the newly formed passageway.